UK equities: it’s all to play for!

Great Britain flag against the background of numbers and graph

We talk to Richard Colwell, Head of UK Equities, and Jeremy Smith, Portfolio Manager and Head of UK Research, about the much-maligned UK market, the themes, opportunities and challenges playing out there, and why the UK could be better placed than other international markets to prosper.

Investment team updates – Bullet points 21 January 2022


Latest news from around the investment desks.

Investment team updates – Bullet points 7 January 2022


Latest news from around the investment desks.

Monetary policy and the yield curve

Ed Al-Hussainy, Senior Rates and Currency Analyst, looks at how monetary policy is set to become less supportive in 2022 and what this means for interest rates and the yield curve.

Outlook 2022: a year of considerable change

Eye of the Needle podcast hero

Deputy Global CIO and CIO EMEA, William Davies, talks about what the coming year might bring for companies, markets and fiscal policy.

A bumpy ride higher for equities

The coronavirus continues to introduce uncertainty, but investors should expect cyclicals to outperform in the first half of the year. Here we identify key catalysts for equity markets.

Changing monetary environment sets the backdrop for a year of change in 2022

2022 will be marked by a role-reversal in monetary policy: crisis support, stimulus and spending replaced by recovery, repair, reduced fiscal stimulus and a return towards “normal”.

Investment team updates – Bullet points 3 December


Latest news from around the investment desks.

Investment team updates – Bullet points 19 November


Latest news from around the investment desks.

Market Monitor – 19 November 2021


Global stock markets have had a mixed week with concerns about rising inflation and increasing Covid-19 infection levels putting a brake on gains.