Style rotation towards value is a temporary phenomenon


William Davies, Chief Investment Officer for EMEA and Global Head of Equities, discusses the recent style moves within markets

US equities: two major themes in a stabilising economy

As we enter the recovery phase, the US equity team is working closely with our Fundamental Research team to analyse two major themes that will drive our sector positioning and stock picks over the coming months.

CIO EMEA outlook 2021 – knowns and unknowns after a tumultuous year

We see three themes dominating 2021: the development
of a Covid-19 vaccine; the political make-up of the US
following the November election; and Brexit.

What the US election means for markets… and what it doesn’t!

The election cycle will increase short-term volatility, but we don’t believe it will have much influence on market averages over the long term.

Summer slumber soothes markets

Global map

Our fixed income team provide their weekly snapshot of market events.

Investment style rotations – growth versus value

Valuation BBBs and policy change

Style rotations, where investors switch one type of investment style for another, are nothing new. At some point during most investment cycles different styles – such as growth, quality and value – will outperform at different points as investors rotate in and out depending on their outlook.

Are markets ahead of the economy and should they be?

Stock market numbers

Global investors underappreciate the changing behaviour of Japanese companies, which has made them more resilient and well positioned to benefit from global reflation.

Covid-19: what exactly is going viral?

Covid-19 - what exactly is going viral

The coronavirus outbreak is extremely complex, with the fear of the virus so far seemingly greater than its actual impact. The economic consequences, however, are very real.

US Equities: Coronavirus market volatility – performance update

Global map

Our US Equities team look at how their markets have reacted to the developing Covid-19 situation, and what the impact on portfolios might be.

Asia Quarterly Bulletin – Winter 2020

Asia Quarterly Bulletin Winter 2020 banner

In this issue we explore Asia’s exceptionally high-yielding bond markets, why the 21st century belongs to Asian investors and the Indian economy with problems piling up for Narendra Modi.